Stone Dungeon Starter Kit

Stone Dungeon Starter Kit is a 3-D asset package that contains fundamental building blocks for your Dungeon building needs.

The aim of SDSK is to supply:

  • Perfectly tiling 3-D assets both for hand placed and code generated maps.
  • Assets suitable for performance optimization: models are low-poly and back-faces are culled.
  • Carefully hand painted textures good for FPS as well as Top-Down gameplay.
  • A test scene that includes the example dungeon as seen in the screenshots.
  • A responsible team willing to expand on the assets and ready to answer your questions.

List of Assets are as follows:

  • Column (336 tris)
  • Door w/Frame (364 + 78 + 72 tris)
  • Floor Tile (2 tris)
  • Pile of Dust/Soil w/Brick Debris. (50 + 28 tris)
  • Stairs (76 tris)
  • Torch w/ Particle Effects (200 tris)
  • Wall Piece (58 tris)

Who is this package for?

SDSK is for those who are looking for a quality starting kit to construct dungeons and similar environments.


You can buy the package here.

Webplayer test scene coming soon!

You can see the artist’s personal blog here.